Wisdom Wednesday: How to Avoid Computer System Infection



February 15, 2019

What is a WiFi? WiFi is a popular networking system that allows devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets, etc to connect to the internet wirelessly. Today, most people know how to use the WiFi. As long as you are in an area covered with WiFi you’ll able to get on the internet easily. Most establishments…

ROUTER AND SWITCH… are they the same thing?

February 6, 2019

Most of the time, we get confused between the network router and the network switch. Though, they seem similar, they have their own purpose and use. In this article, we will share with you the difference between the two devices, their use and how they can work together. A ROUTER is a hardware device that…


January 30, 2019

In the previous article we published, we shared with you some ways to take care of your computer. Sad to say that, regardless of the make or model of your computer it may still encounter issues. Thankfully, these issues can usually be easily repaired. In this article, we’ll share the common issues that we have…

HARD DRIVE… what you need to know about it.

January 25, 2019

Hard Disk Drive (HDD), hard drive or hard disk is an electromechanical device used to store data and digital content (pictures, videos, music, games, documents, applications, etc.) as well as your operating system. Hard drives can be either external or internal. Floppy disk drives, tape drive, thumb drives are all examples of external hard drives.…


January 16, 2019

WHAT IS NETWORK CABLING? Network Cabling is the process to connect one network to another network. To connect two or more computers in order to share printers, scanners and/or fax machines. It is also the same process to use for transferring data between computers, switches and other devices.   TYPES OF NETWORKING CABLES: Category 5…

What is a Wireless Access Point (WAP) and how it helps companies…

January 11, 2019

  JCC has performed and completed numerous Wireless Access Point (WAP) jobs. From installation to troubleshooting errors, the JCC team has done it all. But what is a WAP and how does it actually work? Wireless Access Point (WAP) or simply Access Point (AP) is a small networking device that allows Wi-Fi capable device to…


January 8, 2019

What is a Managed I.T. Service Provider? A Managed I.T. Service Provider is a company that is fully trained to take care of your technical needs. They utilize varied skill sets to assist with everything from setting up your computer system to installation of software and from installing the most effective antivirus for your specific…

Stuck in your old phone system? Make an upgrade now to VoIP System.

December 25, 2018

Does your company still use the old telephony system? Make the switch now to the VoIP system. VoIP system is a technology that allows you to make phone calls via use of the Internet connection instead of using the regular phone system. Upgrading to the VoIP system, you are taking advantage of the cost and…

Tips on How to take good care of your computer.

December 21, 2018

Taking care of your computer will not only save your money but also your stored data in it. They say desktop computers last longer than laptop computers, but it is not always the case. Computer life depends on how users use it and how they took care of it.   As I.T. professionals, we receive…

CYBER SECURITY – Be Aware and Protected.

December 17, 2018

Cybersecurity is a protection for your computer/internet related systems which includes hardware, software and data system.   Just like us, we wanted to be protected from all kinds of unpleasant people like robbers, intruders, burglars. Our internet connected system should also be protected as we store lots of data and important files in there. As…

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