Archive for February 2019
Network Switch… what you need to know about it.
In our previous article, we have shared with you the difference between a router and a switch. As most of us get confused whether they are alike or not. Today, we will dig deeper on what is a network switch, the advantages and benefits of it. A NETWORK SWITCH is a hardware device that connects…
What is a WiFi? WiFi is a popular networking system that allows devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets, etc to connect to the internet wirelessly. Today, most people know how to use the WiFi. As long as you are in an area covered with WiFi you’ll able to get on the internet easily. Most establishments…
Read MoreROUTER AND SWITCH… are they the same thing?
Most of the time, we get confused between the network router and the network switch. Though, they seem similar, they have their own purpose and use. In this article, we will share with you the difference between the two devices, their use and how they can work together. A ROUTER is a hardware device that…
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