The benefits of WiFi to businesses

“FREE WiFi” – It’s everywhere! Most establishments such as in café’s, restaurants, shopping malls, airports, etc. But why offer free WiFi? I’m sure the first answer that came into your mind is for “customer satisfaction”. Yes, that is one of the many reasons why business establishments offer free WiFi. But, what is the benefits businesses…

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Things to do to avoid Phishing scam

Have you been a victim of a phishing scam? I hope not… No one wants to be a victim of a phishing scam. No one wants their sensitive information to be taken by someone. Good thing that there are some guidelines to follow for you to avoid phishing scams… 1. Keep your browser up-to-date. Just…

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Social media is becoming a massive part of our everyday living. Whether we accept it or not, social media has a huge impact on our society. Adults, young adults, children (with parents’ permission) have social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram. And as we all know, if there are positive things about social…

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TIPS 101: How to spot a cyber scam easily

Every day, there are reports of cyber scams. Scammers are getting wiser and resourceful just to trick their victims. However, scams can be easily figured when you are paying attention whenever you’re online. Today, we’ll give you tips on how to spot a cyber scam easily… 1. Email Scams This is the type of scam…

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5 Most Common Cyber Threats

Cybercriminals are getting bigger, wiser, and resourceful. They have many ways to penetrate your network system and create as many damages as they want. By knowing what are the most common and powerful cyber threats will allow you to take extra security measures that will protect you from getting attacked. We have listed below the…

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Tips 101: Ways to set up a strong password

Many computer users are not taking setting up password seriously. Most are just putting a password that just came up of their minds. But that is the wrong practice. Setting up a password is as crucial and important as your personal information. Because of the growing technology, the password is becoming a necessity in most…

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Are your mobile apps up to speed in today’s busy world of technology?

In the ever-changing technology world, we must be up-to-date or at the same pace so we won’t get left behind, particularly in the line of business. Innovations are happening as quickly as a glimpse of our eyes. At this time, innovations are mostly on portable gadgets such as smartphones, tablets or iPads. And with this,…

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Most common technology issues small businesses are facing

Technology is essential to small businesses as it will predict how far the business can go. Without technology, a small business won’t be able to compete for head to head with its competitors. Though we understand the struggle when it comes to building a secure and stable I.T. system, this must consider first when planning…

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Tips on how to increase internet security in your workplace

In your workplace, internet security matters every single second of the time you are spending. One wrong move and the business’ entire network system be jeopardized or might be at risk. This is because the internet or cyber threats are getting more powerful in each passing day. Businesses can lose tons of money once they…

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TIPS for a safe and secure online shopping

Doing shopping in the comfort of your home or office or just by sitting on a bus or train station? Why not! No long lines nor be in a crowded place. Nowadays, online shopping is becoming more relevant most especially for those individuals who have a very busy schedule and cannot afford to go to…

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