Posts Tagged ‘computers’
Slow office computers? Find out the reasons why…
Wondering why your office computers are slowing down? Many factors that affect the performance of your office computers and that is what we are going to share with you today. Having slow office computers can create a domino effect in the business. When office computers are performing poorly it first affects the efficiency of your…
Read MoreApplication Software: For personal and business use
Application software is very essential for you to maximize the use of your computer. Whether it for individual or business use. Choosing the right and useful software will increase your productivity, efficiency, and management skills. You can find application software that can be downloaded for free. Some have monthly fees or a one-time payment. For…
Read MoreEvery thing you need to know about Laptop computer…
Before laptop computers came on the market, we used desktop computers. Even though desktops are still in use today, many people are choosing a laptop over a desktop. Why? In today’s article, we will give you more information about advantages, specifications, and tips on buying a laptop computer. Advantages of Laptop: PORTABILITY. Due to its…
Read MoreAvoiding common human errors in computer related issues!!!
In most businesses, each employee has their own computer. Employees use their computer to perform their tasks, communicate easily with co-workers, process transactions, and so on. But in between these tasks, there are instances that we are not paying attention to what we are doing. And that is when we make mistakes. Mistakes that can…
Read MoreEncyclopedia, Almanac, etc… Do they still exist?
I can still remember my school days that every time we meet up in the library to do our research papers. The best book that we always relied on was the Encyclopedia. We found information that our regular textbooks did not have. But as technology improved, computer accessibility became easier. We found ourselves surfing the…
Read MoreTOP reasons why you should upgrade your Network equipment
In a world where technology is moving fast and innovation is coming in and out, businesses should always be in-line with the latest and most up to date changes in the computer world. Most companies are investing in their networking equipment for many reasons. All equipment has its own life span. The question is, should…
Read MoreTOP 5 Computer problems and how to fix them
So, you have a deadline and you’re working overtime on your computer to finish everything you need and in the middle of it, suddenly… whoops! You have encountered a computer problem and you can’t do anything at the moment. This is a common scenario for computer users. For those who have a technical background may…
Read MoreWhat is Network Security?
Network Security is the protection of the access to files and directories in a computer network against hacking, misuse, and unauthorized changes to the system. Good network security can protect your home network and businesses from network threats such as viruses, spyware, adware, and identity theft. It also protects and secures shared data. There are…
Read MoreDESKTOP vs LAPTOP… which do you think is better?
Computers are very in-demand whether for office use or home use. We wanted to get nothing but the best service for our choice of computer. We use computers for work, encoding, programming, designing, gaming, etc. Therefore, the computer that we choose must fit our needs. There’s a lot of discussion on which is better, desktop…
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