OFFSITE BACKUP? How important it is?
In business, data is one of the most important and precious things that have to consider storing. Data such as employees’ information, business revenue or profit, clients’ details, etc. is highly sensitive information that needs to be protected. Losing such data may not only cost the business in the financial aspect but the reputation and credibility of the business could be at risk as well.
But first, what is an OFFSITE BACKUP? OFFSITE BACKUP is a bold word to define. But on the word itself (OFFSITE) it is defined as storing the data someplace else which is not in the building or office where the business is. To simplify, Offsite backup can be categorized as follows:
1. PHYSICAL TRANSPORT – This is the process of transporting or transferring your data to a different secured location. The data could be stored in an external hard drive and will be safely transported offsite.
2. REMOTE BACKUP – This is a newer and much more convenient way of storing and backing up your data. One of the best examples of remote backup is “Cloud backup”. The data is stored in a server offsite.
After knowing what offsite backup is, we’ll now discuss to you the benefit and importance of having this within your business.
1. It is more secure. Why? Cyber attacks are growing these days and people behind these attacks (hackers) have their ways to access, steal, and damage your data. Storing your data in an offsite server will better protect it.
2. Increases staff productivity. This is for remote backup. This backup process can be done in just one click. Unlike the physical backup wherein a person is required to back up the data manually. With the use of the remote backup, it will increase the productivity of your employees as it can be easily and conveniently done.
3. It is more reliable. Having an offsite backup increases the reliability of your data. Either remote or physical backup, this ensures that your data are safe, not tampered or accessed by an outsider.
With the above benefits we have provided, data security is considered as a top priority for businesses. Whether you choose the physical transport or remote backup, one thing is for sure, hackers and other cyber attacks will be less likely to happen to you.
Should you need to consult or discuss more about backing up your company data, feel free to get in touch with us. We can be reached (412) 853-3708 or you can simply send us an email at [email protected].
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